
What I like about Texas
We've gathered the best images, videos, and tweets that exemplify "What I Like About Texas". Take a look at our gallery below, like, share, and comment on our own social channels. Hopefully you will be inspired to share your own memories too. Just make sure you use the hashtag #WhatILikeAboutTexas.

"You ask me what I like about Texas? Well, I could tell you, but we'd be here all night long!"
Gary P. Nunn
Songwriter, Singer, Texan
Our Mission
Share what you like about Texas with the world.
This site is your space to share your love for Texas, and in doing so, inspire people to join us in the Lone Star State with a visit this summer to experience all that we love, for themselves.
Inspired by Gary P. Nunn's classic "What I Like About Texas,” your narratives and visual contributions will also help create an important digital history with reasons we live here, stay here, or visit here.
Whether it’s a classic icon like The Stockyards, or stealth full-moon drumming under an Austin bridge -- tell us about the Texas that is secured in your memories, inscribed on your to-do lists, assembled in your experiences.
Join Texans around the state by sharing your favorite people, places, music, food, and more with the #WhatILikeAboutTexas hashtag.
And remember – it ain’t bragging if it’s true.

Travel Information
Texas Attractions and Destinations
Check out some of these favorite Texas attractions and destinations if you’re planning to travel in Texas.

Proud to bring inspirational companies and community members together from all across Texas.
Our campaign sponsors know what it means to love Texas and be inspired by its people and places! The Texas Travel Industry Association thanks Visit Houston, Visit San Antonio, Discover Denton, Port Royal Resort, Visit Lubbock and the Arlington Convention & Visitors Bureau for supporting #WhatILikeAboutTexas.
Our Newsletter
You can keep your participation going after your #ILoveTexasContribution! Join our e-mail list to stay up to date with #WhatILikeAboutTexas events, news and more. To sponsor or host a #WhatILikeAboutTexas event. Fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page.